Providing health
solutions since
31 Years

    Make an appoinment

    Make an appoinment to meet with our experts

    We believe in putting
    you off all medication
    to cure you completely.
    About us

    24/7 Customer Service

    Lorem Ipsum is simply to dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

    Top quality management

    Lorem Ipsum is simply to dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

    Prescription Fulfillment

    Lorem Ipsum is simply to dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

    Education and Clinics

    Lorem Ipsum is simply to dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

    Dr Bawa

    Dr. Bawa with an experience of 31 years is trusted by patients all over the globe. He has a commitment to ‘Cure’, dedication to help you achieve complete health in its true meaning; to make you experience an uncomparable quality life like never before. At Dr Bawa’s clinic you are treated inside out i.e. you not only get rid of your ailments and diseases but achieve Complete Internal Health which in turn reflects on your whole system by :

    • Building Immune system
    • Increasing your metabolism
    • Balancing hormones
    • Strengthening your muscles
    • Gaining bone density
    • Improving digestion
    • Maintaining glow of skin
    • Energizing your nervous system

    Call to appionment at any time +919888941920 

    Dr. Bawa

    (Chairman and founder)

    We specialize in treatment of

    Hormonal diseases
    Male doctor in white latex gloves examines patient with skin disease against office background. Allergy treatment concept
    Allergic Diseases
    Autoimmune Diseases
    Genetic Diseases
    Bone Diseases
    Gastrointestinal Diseases
    Skin Diseases
    Why Choose Us

    At Dr. Bawa's we don't believe in putting you on medication but our goal is to put you off medication by curing you permanently.

    Prescribing at all phases of life and for all diseases

    Before conception

    Medicines taken before conception help you have a comfortable pregnancy and deliver a healthy baby who can do away with number of hereditary diseases.

    At Childbirth

    For easy and comfortable delivery.

    At Adolescence

    We help your young one to overcome all kinds of behavioral changes , learning disorders, teenage tantrums so that he can grow completely in all spheres . In short we will bring out the best in your child.

    During pregnancy

    Homeopathy can be taken without any fear of side effects to the unborn baby so that mother can lead a totally healthy , safe and a trouble free pregnancy giving birth to a healthy baby with a strong immune system.

    For Newborn

    Totally safe and gentle for your little one. Helps in treating acute diseases and makes him stronger with every dose to achieve an unmatched resistance & immunity.

    In Middle & Old Age

    We help you lead a totally comfortable and quality life as we cure all your acute and chronic ailments from common cold to cancer.

    Before conception

    Medicines taken before conception help you have a comfortable pregnancy and deliver a healthy baby who can do away with number of hereditary diseases.

    During pregnancy

    Homeopathy can be taken without any fear of side effects to the unborn baby so that mother can lead a totally healthy , safe and a trouble free pregnancy giving birth to a healthy baby with a strong immune system.

    At Childbirth

    For easy and comfortable delivery.

    For Newborn

    Totally safe and gentle for your little one. Helps in treating acute diseases and makes him stronger with every dose to achieve an unmatched resistance & immunity.

    At Adolescence

    We help your young one to overcome all kinds of behavioral changes , learning disorders, teenage tantrums so that he can grow completely in all spheres . In short we will bring out the best in your child.

    In Middle & Old Age

    We help you lead a totally comfortable and quality life as we cure all your acute and chronic ailments from common cold to cancer.
    Still have any query please Contact us

    You will learn more from FAQ

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    What is Consultio Medical services?

    We are the first employee termination and human resource compliance solution for small business. We’re your full service outsourced HR team. Bambee can help your business with employee conflict resolutions and terminations.

    Can we help with labor laws?

    Yes. We’ll make Department of Labor regulations easy to understand, and ensure your business is compliant on both the federal and state level.

    Can I terminate with a disability?

    Employers can fire workers with disabilities under three conditions:
    • The termination is unrelated to the disability or
    • The employee does not meet legitimate requirements for the job

    What is an employee handbook?

    A good employee handbook helps to ensure that employers can effectively manage their workplace. It contains all of the policies, procedures, working conditions, and behavioral expectations that guide the workforce at a particular company.
    Still have any query please Contact us

    We draw on our global network to assemble a team of experts.

    We also bring a strong interest in coaching and capability building, with an emphasis on emotional intelligence and effective stakeholder relationships.

    Donald Johnson

    Executive Manager

    Jewel D Smith

    Executive Director

    Alan Smith

    Managing Director

    Brad Smith

    Executive Manager
    Collaborate Consulting exists to find the place where to being seemingly disparate interests meet. From that point of the connection, we create platforms.
    Call Now for any help! (281) 476-0713

    Kathleen Smith

    Senior Director

    Joyce Thompson

    Asistant Manager

    Some reviews from our clients


    Some from our latest news

    We would love to share a similar experience and how I learned some valuable lessons during a downturn.


    8 a.m. to 5 p.m.(Mon-Fri) Eastern time.

    Test Report:

    Collect your test report by online.

    Contact us:

    Contact us for any kind of emergency.


    Call 10678 for emergency Ambulance
    Call for 24 hours / 7days 2417

    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)

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